First ideas:
Title: Intricate Symplicity
-4 girls are friends
-3 of the girls go missing 1 gets away
-showing flash backs of happier times as them as friends.
-after pictures the scene goes to the missing girl pictures, newspaper extract, maps, anitations etc.
-4th girl talking over top of police reports which will consist of,'no evidence found, We have a suspect' ect and paparazzi shots for exmaple journalists shouting 'do you know where they are? do you have any evidence!?' ect
-4th girl talks of statistics of missing children '10,000 children go missin everyyear'
-or 4th girl talking over a picture of the 4 girls- close in on 4th girl as she says something like ' i see my friends die, now hes coming for me and its my turn'
-if effect possible - picture of her burns/crumbles away then title pops up.
-ideas for sound? we need to use mainly diegetic sound like police voices and sirens, girls talking, mums screaming, there will maybe be a very quiet low music only audiable before voices and during the girl speaking.
-where will you shoot? our sequence will not require much filming out of college time therefore most can be filmed within college hours.
-what will you need? props-whiteboard with photos, maps, costumes- white shirts with tie.
-who will be in it? all of us will be in at - in photos.
-what problems can you forsee? maybe being a bit too short, might not be able to flow that well and be as clear to audience what is going on.
-when will you shoot it?